Privacy Policy

This is the main privacy policy for Sophie Hijabi and for certain services provided through these and other websites.
At Sophie Hijabi we collect different types of information about our users for four main reasons:
1. To provide personalised services unique to individual users.
2. To help us to monitor and improve the services we offer
3. To sell advertising space on the site. This helps us to keep the site free for people who visit it.
4. If we have permission from the user, to market services to them.
There may be other privacy policies that apply to certain services we provide. Please read these when you register or subscribe for these services on these sites.

Our principles

1 We do our very best to protect your privacy by using security technology appropriately. This means:
 we make sure that we have appropriate security measures to protect your information; and
 we make sure that when we ask another organisation to provide a service for us, they have appropriate security measures.
2 We will respect your privacy. You should receive marketing emails only from us and, if you agree, from other organisations we have carefully chosen. We will make sure it is clear when you can make these choices, for example, we have boxes you need to tick if you want to receive marketing. However, we may email you occasionally with information or questions about your registration, your subscription account or postings, for example, with reminders, warnings or copyright requests.
3. We will collect and use individual user details only if we have your permission or we have sensible business reasons for doing so, such as collecting enough information to manage subscriptions.
4 We will be clear in our dealings with you as to what information about you we will collect and how we will use it.
5 We will use personal information only for the purposes for which it was originally collected and we will make sure we delete it securely.
6 Our site is accessible via the internet. This means that people around the world who access our website can see anything you post on the website, for example, comments about an article.
7 If we or our service providers transfer any information out of the European Economic Area (EEA), it will only be done with the relevant protection (stated under UK law) being in place.